How to protect your account on Facebook and prevent anyone from reaching him even got the password

We all know the extent of social communication between
people sites, and this is only communicate its borders is not
 confined within the globe, even within the same house find
it takes way to send feelings and emotions and jokes, as if he
 is no longer a reality by default but perceptible and controls our feelings and desires.
But alas there are always the lurking and waiting
for the opportunity to penetrate our privacy, because if you put in google
 the word penetrate the Facebook surprised by the enormous
 quantity of the explanations shaded, which are designed
 to either attract visitors much to achieve material
 gain or worse, you made you yourself a victim of penetrate the result Alhag behind as they penetrate the accounts, it shall warning.
But there is a way we can protect our account of Facebook penetration, even if a hacker got our password as they will need to code automatically appears when you attempt to access from another browser!
And now I leave you with the explanation Pictures:

Congratulations on your you have to make your non-porous, even if given a secret code to your friends, they will not be able to access to it and now Try entering the browser status Invisible Browsing on your Facebook.

As you can see in every attempt to access from another browser sends a code of six numbers to your phone even if the true secret code .

In the latter wish to undermine this post you like it, do not forget to share with your friends in order to be safe from hackers .
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